Monday, August 1, 2022


Rat-faced Bill Ackman needs to die
Ask Lex Fridman - he knows why
On second thought, you know what, don't
Lex knows it's true - but tell - he won't
Lex Fridman acts like a little boy
He's cute and wide eyed and shy and coy
This is all just a fetish - his gimmick, his ploy
He plays the same act while he fucks little boys
Bill Ackman is a Satanic Jew
Lex Fridman is the same thing, too
They aren't the same as me and you
They want to enslave us in a human zoo
Rat-faced Bill Ackman needs to die
Lex Fridman does too - and now you know why

Rat-faced Bill Ackman needs to die
Ask Lex Fridman - he knows why
On second thought, you know what, don't 
Lex knows it's true - but tell - he won't

Lex Fridman acts like a little boy
He's cute and wide eyed and shy and coy 
This is all just a fetish - his gimmick, his ploy
He plays the same act while he fucks little boys

Bill Ackman is a Satanic Jew
Lex Fridman is the same thing, too
They aren't the same as me and you
They want to enslave us in a caged human zoo 

Rat-faced Bill Ackman needs to die
Lex Fridman does too - and now you know why



I hate the government 
I hate the Jews 
I hate all these middle-of-the-road
motherfucking damned Reds and Blues

I hate the state of Israel
I hope they burn it to the ground
and if those genocidal Hebrews
think they're coming here to live
they can find some sand to pound



Just in case you haven't heard
You are barely more than a wet white turd
That squirted out of your "mother" bird

And landed "SPLAT" like a dairy curd
The Universe from which you've emerged
Is a set of concurrent fields, converged.
All this energy zinging from here to there
Created you but, it does not care 

Just in case you do not know -
And if you don't, then take it slow:
You're just a walking bag of meat.
You have no Soul (this poem's complete.)



Steven Crowder fucked a furry
It happened in southwest Missouri
At the annual convention
Of the Tribe we dare not mention

Crowder was there for lox and bagels
But to his left and down three tables
There he spied a foxy furry
Right there in southwest Missouri

They locked eyes and it was on
They got a room and screwed 'til dawn
Neither one was in a hurry
It happened there in ol' Missouri

Was that furry guy or gal?
When it lifted up its tail
Did he notice? Did he care?
Is being mean like this unfair?



Every member of the bar
Would be wise to get in his car
And drive as far away from here
As roads will take him - Am I clear?

Every lawyer in this state
Would sure enhance his likely fate
To move away and change his name
Dye his hair - it's not too late

Every bastard on the bench
It's time to flee der Ubermensch
Take your families, run and hide
Ignore me and it's suicide

Can you hear me as I sing?
Can you hear me as I sing?
Take your families, run and hide
Ignore me and it's suicide

Take your families, run and hide
Ignore me and it's suicide



Neo-Nazi death camp
Coming to your town
They're gonna round you up
And they're gonna gas you down

Neo-Nazi death camp
The locals will not mind
Tell em "It's just a sausage factory"
And they'll say, "Oh. That's fine."

Neo-Nazi death camp
They'll name it after Goeth* (pronouned : gurd)
They're building it near the train tracks
In case you haven't heard


* Amon Goeth (the hero SS officer in SCHINDLER'S LIST)
Dustin' this one off for 2024! Whoop whoop!


He sits and he thinks
And he thinks and he sits
And he sits and he thinks some more
Sure he's killed a lot of people
In each case they had it coming
Just watch out
Or he'll give you the what-for

A King in his castle
He's a man best not to hassle
If you cross him once
He'll cross you back thrice
If you look him in the eye
Be sure to smile smart and sly
or he might take it as an insult
(And he might never tell you why.)

He's nothing like the others
He never had no Nazi brothers
He don't give a shit about your faith or race
He's just deal-makin' Don
All Manhattan's his front lawn
You can mock him but he'll laugh back in your face


Not bad for a non-Trump type poet or whatever, eh. Not "nevertrrump" just not a big fan. You gotta give him some credit. Sure. As if I give a shit who the Kikes let the NFL fans and the rich drum circle neo-hippies vote for this time. Or any time anyway. I mean, the guy's grandkids are slimy little Yids. Gross. - CMH

m o d u s   a r t s   g r o u p


Is History a Mystery?
For kindred spirits: Endlessity.
Share we the same reality?
Who holds the Key to Victory?

The smoke from pyres blinds my eyes -
Mad monkeys burn each other up
In the names of Cats who hypnotize
Or drink their own blood from the Cup.

A spell is just a prayer renamed.
The Truth is more than I have claimed.
Stars line up in disarray
You understand but you cannot say....

"If people were left unemployed and given time to think,
the Illuminati's violent regime might be endangered..."

- Jüri Lina


I am not designed to become refined
No matter how much money I make me
I'd much rather see, though you may disagree
Just how far bad manners might take me

                              - CHRISTOPHER HAYDEN


Paula Routly went out stoutly
Swinging from a branch
Hanged with a rope blessed by the Pope
To end her witch's dance

The air-dance that she did that day
Was something to behold
She kicked and squawked and drooled and hissed
In the bitter winter dawn 's cold 



My Mind is a glowing ember.
How Hallowed it is to me.
It burns in stark remembrance
Of humanity's history.
My own time is but nothing.
No thing. No thing. Times three.
But in the eye of my mind
For this brief little time
These fires burn bright for me.

The Sun is a hot little number.
But the Church feels so cold to me.
And so I declare whilst I'm still sucking air
That my God is a Star and not some juicy pear
Plucked by fat greedy fingers from a tree in Bel Aire.
Believe what you want - but don't tread on me.
I believe nothing. (See Descartes, Annie.)



People enjoy smoking weed.
The government should let them.
And if some pig should say they can't.
The people should arrest him.

People should not smoke cocaine.
And they should not use needles.
They should not huff on gasoline.
Or listen to The Beatles.

John Lennon was a Communist.
George worshiped an Indian demon.
Ringo was no threat at all.
And Paul just sprayed his semen.

People enjoy smoking weed.
The government should try some.
The next time I have a little loot.
I'm probably gonna buy some.

War is here and here to stay.
We'll fight it and we'll win it.
And if it ever goes away
We'll fight to re-begin it.



Once upon a little time there was a little world
The sun beat down relentlessly as history unfurled
And so it was in slow due course it all came to an end
The sun blew up to twice it size, no time left to pretend



How much did the glands excrete adrenaline?
When the madman pulled his gun and shot John Lennon?
If you could you'd surely forbid these thoughts
On the grounds they're morbid, BUT -
The Martyr's Crown of Infamy eludes me.

And how much did the faceless pay
To have them kill old good boy John F.K.
And who really killed him?
Was it not the ones
Seen burning crosses down in Southern Fields
By setting suns - were they the ones?

How many others could we name
Who lived for Peace but all the same
Were murdered when they spoke their minds?
It happens all the fucking time!

And I have been burned out from the inside
And yet I've survived by the grace of God and no one else
All these initials sound the same
When you're insane....

So they're talking on the television
Saying that it's time for the Workers to go home
And they're saying to be sure to remind them
To cover their heads from the Coming Storm
So the news lady smiles and rambles on
About the car crash for a while
And we'd really like to help you
And we would if we could
But we can't if you won't take your pills
And there's a crescent moon
Rising over Crescent Beach in Maine, again
There's a black and white moon on the rise with the tide....



The Angels were in the cemetery, walking amongst the tombs.
The Angels found some small sad bones and sat down in those rooms.
Three Angels came from Michael's Brigade.
Three more from Gabriel.
Three Angels from Red Lucifer were absent, locked in Hell.
Michael's dressed like Roman Lords.
It was a choice they liked.
Gabriel's wore turbans blue; beneath their hair was spiked.
Six Angels in a cemetery, gathered now to boast.
Of how the Devil had been beat and how his brood did roast.
A trumpet blast was heard to ring.  It sounded with great clatter.
The graves all opened at its shriek, the dead rose, "What's the matter?"



The SAS was founded one day
By a sultan named David Stirling
With a small special force
He changed the war's course
And set old Adolf's head just a-swirling

If I could go back in time for one day
I would straighten them Limeys right out
I would show them the way
And make them all pay
And turn Dunkirk into a rout

I would round up their Jews
Those nasty, vile people
And burn them in pyres
As tall as a steeple
I would conscript their soldiers
And force them to fight
For the side that they should have because they are White

So they don't love me
At the BBC
But they always read my stuff
They are jealous you see
For the English agree
That my message is more than just fluff



I'm that bad penny that you should not have picked up
Some bad luck copper - nothing shiny - found tails up
You dropped me in your pocket and counted me with your change
Now you've chipped a tooth, crashed your car and your dog came down with mange
I'm that bad penny minted back in '68
You spent me at some corner store but you can't escape my hate
The shit I have in store for you don't wear off in the rain
Do you still think there's a difference between 'evil' and 'insane?'
I'm that bad penny that brought you to your knees
Worse than any malady, condition or disease
The clock is ticking loudly now - you'll soon wake up in Hell
You should have left me where I was - you won't escape this Spell



First the Communists came for me,
and I didn't fall, fail or succumb and you know I wasn't a Communist.
Then the trade unionists drove me out of a shop where I had worked harder
and been happier than I have ever been (while working hard) and I took that 
- because you know I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then the Jews came for me. You know I wasn't a Jew. Don't make me laugh.
Then when there was no one left to come after me, I packed a bowl and got baked.
Fucking fools.



Pee Yew it's the EU
We want to see them hang
Slut skank World Bank
We haven't learned a thang
You're DEAD fractional FED
WTO your casket's draped Red
IMF nuthin rhymes with that
We wanna see your skulls 
Cracked and bashed wit' a bat



Hey Tony Blair
I don't care
I think you were cool
With your icy blue stare

I'd have listened to anything
You decided to say
That was true on 9/11
And it's still true today

What's Up?


ROOM 101

It was through a glass and darkly too
That you saw me and I spied you
When I looked out and caught your face
And you looked in this dark dark place
This well-scrubbed hovel where I dwell
Heaven to me, to you a Hell
Banner, Flag, Prayer, Spell
Talisman of Poisoned Well
They've poisoned you and me as well
But I've fought the War and lived to tell
So keep on walking as you glance
And cast your coward's eyes askance

No darkness here.  And no.  No fun.
That's why it's called Room 101.

Pick em up and set em down
Move along and paint the town
For it's already dripping Red
Bolshevism is what I said
Go toss one down at old Red Square
Sing "The Internationale" for all I care
The Truth is catching up with you
And some pissed off White Folkssure are too
Big Shot Jews and paid White snitches
Keep walking as you steal a peek
This World is mine for I AM MEEK

No darkness here.  And no.  No fun.
That's why it's called Room 101.

"Let the 'brothers' see the LIGHT."



This is not a story
This is my life
My life is a story
This is a story

If I've died halfasmanytimes
As I pretended to as a child
If I've gazed through half as many eyes
Some Blue, all wild
If I've lived all these centuries
All my persons wholly (Holy) self-styled
If I've died halfasmanytimes
As I pretended to as a child

When I cried - half dead and half alive -
His Angels carried me
When I was blind, half mad and out my mind
His Angels sang to me
When I was beaten down, broken boned,
   at the end of my rope (I could not make it one more step)
When I cried - half dead and half alive -
His Angels carried me
(That's why I'm still alive.)



i had a dream i met a jew
who didn't tell me what to do
he didn't sell me a poison pill
to wreck my health and break my will
he didn't add a thing or two
to everything i ate, this jew
to try to keep me fat and sick
with dangled carrot and big blunt stick
while he eats nothing but the best
this jew was nothing like the rest

this jew did not attempt to blur
where this great nation's boundaries were
before we let them lay their hands
on ours and all those foreign lands
that now are buckled 'neath the weight
of all this zionistic hate

this jew was nothing like the ones
who loan both sides in wars fat funds
so they can bomb and burn and rape
in secrecy and Red red tape
while teaching us to never dare
to call a spade a spade - beware!

this Jew i met was Christ the Lord
and though i know this sounds untoward
He comes this time to bring a sword
He's coming soon so BRING IT LORD!



I don't Hate Jews
I don't Hate Jews
Die hating anyone you'll still lose

I won't hate Jews
I won't hate Jews
Oh Lord!  So help me I refuse

They will not change
They will not change
Lord seize their DNA and rearrange

Whatever it is that's 'wrong' with them
And THEN go spread it in Jerusalem
Before I blow my fucking cork
And point my finger towards New York
And unleash Your whole Heavenly Host
(Which is under my power (since You Love Me Most))

You've heard it said 'The last shall be first'
From Jeffrey Dahmer to Patty Hearst
His Judgement is coming and that right fast
Do I have to tell you who He meant by LAST....



100 snakes in a pillared pit.
That is all that you are. That is all of it.
Your roll is a farce in this dictatorship.
I'll see you in Hell once we've all made the trip...



On a summer's day in '86
I stood in strong winds
At the top of Camel's Hump
I had grown my hair long
(Yes I still had hair)
And the wind made the ends
Of my rock n' rolla curls beat and hammer
Upon the tan edges of my face

My father took my photograph
In the strong winds on Camel's Hump
And that photograph never fails to remind
How the wind was so strong and clean
And smelled like milk in the sunshine
And how I fancied I'd felt the Will of God
Pushing, pushing, pushing down on me
Through that strong warm wind

I was seventeen



From V.I. Lenin through to Gorbachev and past
We got the false impression Communism couldn't last
From old Pol Pot back to Saloth Sar
It's a mighty long walk but not all that far
From Castro playing baseball in the U.S.A.
To when Che got his comeuppance from the C.I.A.
And on and on and up and up right to the present time
These Freemasonic Dialectical Devils tow the line
Sure Nixon got Allende.  (Sometimes you gotta smile.)
Too bad so much of Asia is still Red, Enslaved and Vile
And worse!  The foreign central bank parked on our sovereign shores
Has got us in the talons of these same sadistic whores
From Paul Warburg and his Jekyll Island creeping
To the present date and time America's still sleeping.

Wake up!

(Mushroom bloomin'
Harry Truman
Had 32°
And knew what he was doin')


“Be not deceived. Revolutions do not go backward.”
- Abraham Lincoln


Fat from drinking and
Mean from thinking
That bodies stinking
Is better than linking
Everyone together in one cruel world
America is dying as Red flags are unfurled.

I've been meaning
To check my leaning
To the Right before I might
Lose my sight of love and reason
And help drum in a bloody season
Where all those who get bagged for treason
Get strung up and hung up
Or put against the wall.


"There are but two parties now.  Traitors and Patriots.
And I want hereafter to be ranked with the latter."

    - Ulysses S. Grant

Me thinks I should not ruminate
On problems I shall enumerate
Herein and on this pale leaf
Which could expand to fill a sheaf
Of paper should I choose to list
All those which have betrayed and kissed
Me right here on my unshaved cheek
And all the troubles they have brought
Despite the help that I have sought
From politicos, lawyers and the press
When seeking to escape the mess
My life has none-the-less become
Despite how loud I beat the drum
The World was deaf now I am dumb


Composed at the Brattleboro Retreat while the poet was facing 
a pile of false charges and being held without bail.


It may not change a single thing
To take a stick and draw a ring
Right here in all this lovely dirt
And for each person I have hurt
To place a stone inside the ring
It may not change a single thing

It may mean less than I could hope
To tie a knot in this here rope
A knot for everyone I've hurt
Symbolically to thus convert
My sins into this knotted rope
It may mean less than I could hope

And who or what could ever care
If I play solo truth or dare
And force myself to look inside
And shine a light on where I hide
Would God Himself even take note
If it all was just a poem I wrote?



A state of disunion
Exists between my ears
There's nothing new about it, see,
It's been like this for years
On one hand I'm a miner
Pick-axing for some gold
Whilst on the other I'm afraid
My soul is bought and sold

A state of pure disharmony
Exists within my heart
There's nothing to be done, you see
I will not fall apart
The music that sounds deeply
Within my inner ear
Exceeds my hope to amp it up
Where even you can hear




I sailed last year Autumn to Spring
The crew took care of everything
The Captain in his pure white vest
with all his ribbons on his chest
The first mate tall and strong and brave
The galley cook was no mere knave
And all the rest that I could list
Were excellent in sun and mist
They did not fear the dewy fog
The charts and maps and captain's log
Were all kept safe and warm and dry
And so was I - Yes!  So was I....


We first set sail from Portland, Maine
And headed south in driving rain
I stayed topside and got quite wet
A feeling I shall not forget
But soon we had outrun the storm
The sun was bright and high and warm
The Captain had them set up chairs
Off Nantucket we sent up flairs
To say "Hello" the seaman's way
(I knew then we were underway)
We rocked and rolled and rose on swells
I wondered if Leviathan dwells
In that cold quadrant of that cold sea
And thus I felt a bit lonely
Though side by side in matching chairs
The Captain and I drowned our cares
With sweet late morning aperitifs
With no laws and no damn police
To stop us - so we got blind drunk
I had to crawl down to my bunk


I woke that night and went up top
And there I volunteered to mop
In case I'd made a bad impression
With men of that disciplined profession
But no!  They would not have it, see -
Instead they sang a song for me
The words I doth remember not
But it sent me back down to my cot
A big dumb smile on my face
And renewed respect for the human race

+ + +

Sailing, sailing, sailing on
We crossed the night and met the dawn
I pulled a dossier from my bag
And lit a cigarette and took a drag
This trip was not for pleasure, see
A plane had crashed so they sent me

The President - at his behest - 
had asked that I assess the mess
and take this grand ride on this yacht
and sleep in this boat's passenger cot
and look for all the world like wealth
as I went in with all full stealth
to see exactly what had passed
and where the jet's survivor's massed
A mangled jungle floor of flesh
That did not escape Death's grand mesh

Bermuda Triangle bound we were
I told the men not to call me sir
Nor to salute nor bow nor bend
But treat me like a senior friend
And so I posted up on the seas
With the Captain, his men, and covert meees
(That's meees misspelled with three wrong e's)


And in the boredom of his day
The President's thoughts were dark and grey
I felt his mind's gaze on the back of my neck
As he waited for me to explain what the heck
Had happened on that Jungle Isle
And I'll tell you too in a little while

(This poem nor this tale is told.
The end has not been set to fold.
Come back to this bright point of screen
And someday soon I'll expand the green
The green and rolling tale of seas
The Captain, all his men, and meees
(Misspelled again here with three wrong e's)




i had a dream of a sinking ship
where i stood inside the covered deck
of some seafarin slow-going no-floating crate
with a small quiet and terrified clique
of old timey lookin passengers
who took death with courage and stark terror

i remember vividly and with color and sound
the creaking of the ship's hull as it slipped beneath the waves
so that her leaky portals were bared to the black watery depths

and there was no escape to air left possible
and knowing just that made it like being in church
just a hollow subholy hallucinogenic panic
that only Death would sublime

and Death did as the deadly waters poured in -
ever rising with the whites of our eyes
and i remember most of all
the most chilling detail that I brought back to consciousness
the thing that lends the whole vision its echo
was how standing in the lower deck of the huge boat
felt so Steinbeckianly like standing in the hollow space
of a huge grain barn somewhere in Kansas in the dust bowl days
and the water filling in was like a cold wet fire consuming our every atom
from just outside the grand hallway of the hull
and knowing just how Death would now fill in that boat
and pull her down and apart was so real to me in the dream
i am yet astounded by the granularity of the details of the vision
and the terror and resignation to fate that i felt and synthesized whilst sleeping was real
drowning.  drowning.
and my terror was real.



A happy death is all I ask
Not morbid Poe and his red masque
Nor William Butler Ghastly Yeats
Not even Kafka and what awaits - 
  the beetle-brained who do not heed
Such bards as these I do not need
Just leave me to my fair Camus
The bravest wordsmith I ever knew 



God says, "Let's be careful.
Let's not hurt anyone today."
I say, "That's just fine with me.
As is everything You say."
God says, "Let's be patient.
Let everyone have Free Will."
I say, "Sure.  It's Your call.
I'll sit right here and chill."
God says, "I can't believe it, Mike.
Look at these dumb apes."
As we sit in His Heavenly studio
And glumly roll the tapes.
God says, "Now I'm angry.
I have a job for you."
I say, "Fine.  I'm ready now.
What do You want me to do?"
God says, "Sound the trumpets!
The time is finally right!"
I give the nod in the Name of God
And on my wings take flight.
The Book is on the Table.
The Blood is in the Grail.
The Jews are in Jerusalem.
His Judgment Day won't fail....


“Don’t wait for the Last Judgment. It happens every day.”


When I meet der Fuhrer
He's gonna think I'm cool
He and I will be in Heaven
And you'll look like a fool
McNamara will be there
He's gonna dig my rhymes
We'll sit and laugh and drink and smoke
And joke about good times
LeMay will brag 'bout bombing
And Goeth will slap his back
And crack wise about shooting Jews
Whilst dressed head to toe in black
Grant will still be drinking
And Sherman will be too
We'll all piss on a metal grate
So it sprinkles down on you
But when the party's over
And it's time to stoke the fires
That burn down where you're sure to be
I'll toss on three big tires
The first - because you're greedy
The next - because you lie
The third will be for dissing me
Can't wait to hear you cry
The smoke will build and billow
The damned will shriek in pain
I won't pretend - there'll be no end
Your prayers will be in vain



A person is a peach, he is a plum
He's not a player
He does not have a soul
No God to love him
No soothsayer
No such thing as a thing that we can call bad luck
You live, you ripen, you die, you rot

And the atoms that form you don't give a fuck



Chilling at the no-tell motel
Oh, Hell
.357 in my hand
Like a cow bell
Listen to it ring
Inside my head
Until I can't tell
Is that only me
Or did I just bust?
I can't tell!



Religion can be a bear trap
I've stepped into it twice
Jesus Christ is pretty cool
but his "followers" ain't so nice

The Churches are full of Freemasons
Who kneel and rise and sing
Yet believe Christ's simple message
Was a code for some Damned thing

They'll smile and nod and shake your hand
Then write your name in 'sacred' sand
At dusk stand sky-clad drinking blood
And piss your name away to mud

They'll pass you over but take your brother
He'll fuck a goat and kill your mother
Just to 'get ahead' in life
He'd cut your heart out with a knife

They'll bust you on some bullshit case
And taze you - bash you - feed you mace
And make you plead-out to get 'free'
It can happen to you - It's happened to me

Or else they'll form a circle jerk
Right in 'The Tomb' at Yale
The judge, your lawyer and the clerk
They'll let you rot in jail

They'll sell you food to make you sick
And sell you pills to "fix" you quick
And tax you half to fucking death
And drug you to your dying breathe

The Devil has his way for now
That much is sadly true
But don't despair - we'll breath clean air
Once the Devil gets his due



i see a song on vh1
i see it played several times
mostly in the mornings
in the day room at the insane asylum
in this song a singing gameshow winner
a young woman
cuts off her hair and joins the military
over a boy
she is shown training
and storming a beach in an amphibious assault
the song is horrible and the video is terrible
but i watch it every time it is on
next i am in a hotel room watching cable tv news
some 1400 combat related jobs in the US military
open up to women for the first time today
i reflect on the music video
i reflect on the men and women in our military
on who and what our military is evolving to be
now i am standing in a mcdonalds lobby
a very short counter girl
working an early evening  shift after a day at high school
she barks calls to the team putting up food in back operations
when she sounds off and shouts up
buzzers warning and display screens blinking
i have a moment
and i realize that with the force multipliers we engage today
this one little girl could probably be trained to command
any weapons system on an Aegis crusiser, reasonably from one laptop



I've been kicking ass and taking names
I always win 'cause I don't play games
I'm the single worst goddamned bastard
On God's Green Earth

I'm gonna rout you out in the name of God
You're whole career has been one big fraud
You're a Fat Cat covering up
What you don't dare face


“Instead of demanding the destruction of the American
social order as it now exists, it would be more intelligent if
agitators were to agitate for the purification of what we
already have.” 


There are militant Jews spying on me
They’ve heard the rumors and they hope to see
If I hold the KEY to VICTORY
Over Jews and Jew-lovers –
They’ll crucify me….



I wanna tell you a sad little tale
'bout a cat named Jimmy Brown.
Born and raised in Southie - that's Boston.
He was the slickest cat around.
Old Jimmy used to sing for his supper in a nightclub called 'The Spoon.'
Jimmy used to stay up all night so the folks could hear him croon.
Every day when the sun was high he would get out of bed at noon.
His old lady was named 'Carla-My-Love' -
 she used to feed him with a silver spoon.
After breakfast he used to take her out -
 they'd stroll in the early afternoon.
Good old Jimmy used to treat her right
That's why he wrote her this little tune -

"Carla Baby.  Carla-My-Love.  
 You're the best damn gal I know.
 Some day I'm gonna pack you up
  and take you down to Mexico.
 And when we get down there - I swear -
 We're gonna lie in the sun all day.
 So don't you dare go running off
  because I wouldn't last a single day."

Now Beantown's a fine city of course
But it ain't no Mexico.
The summer's short and the winter is long.
If you've been there then you know.
And sometimes when old Jimmy was working
At the nightclub called 'The Spoon'
Lonely Carla would sit up waiting
 in the hopes he'd be home soon.
And it was on a night just like that -
 she donned her coat and then she donned her hat.
She left a note by the sugar bowl
And lonely Carla stepped out for a stroll.
Now South Boston is a pretty tough place.
And lonely Carla had a sweet sweet face.
She hit the streets and the streets hit back.
She was the victim of a mugging attack.
They called Jimmy from the morgue the next day.
Jimmy Brown had nothing to say.
It broke his heart and it ruined his life.
They say he tried to kill himself with a knife.
Poor Jimmy Brown is a  dope fiend now.
When people ask him he will never say how
 he wound up so busted and broke.
He tends to feel life's a sick mean joke.



Straight out the belly of the motherfucking Beast
Writ in the pit where the cannibals feast
So what you think?
Ain't these stories that I'm kicking
Some fucked up shit?
Well the clock is slowly ticking
My time is winding down -
Some day I'm getting out
And then these Pigs will find out what I'm all about
See I'm a Man -
I'm not a Dog -
I'm not a Sheep -
If they were really smart they'd kill me in my sleep
After the things I've seen and heard behind these walls -
When I get out I'll have these Pigs right by the balls
So this is just a little a taste to break the ice
And in the end it's them who'll pay this Christian Price....


This poem appeared as an 'Afterword' to a 13 story compilation
about life in jail in Vermont which I wrote under the pen name CHRISTIAN PRICE
in the Year of Our Lord 2002 even as I was being held in jail in Vermont .
It is recreated here from memory.  Copies of the original poem and the
attendant 13 short stories continue to circulate as heavily photocopied, highly
prized, underground-style manuscripts but I don't possess any copies any
more personally. - CMH


Vikki was a Vampyre
She feasted every night
Upon the throats of pigs and goats
And slept when day was light

Vikki wanted human blood
But dared not launch attacks
Upon the dreaming living
As they lay upon their backs

She tried it once ages ago
And failed in her dark aim
Her victim beat her with a laptop
Perhaps you know his name

One day I found her coffin
And I staked her through the heart
It barely even phased her
All she did was fart



Israel is a house of cards
And thus it cannot stand
Those hook-nosed Khazars know the truth
It NEVER was their land

Israel is a sand castle
Nestled beside the sea
The tide of change is coming, folks
Yes it's rising steadily

Israel makes a play-game
Of being America's friend
They've played us like a violin
It's time that song should end

Israel is a house of cards
Can't wait to see it fall
They've pushed around the Arabs
But the Persians will never crawl


"The greatest mistake Israel could make at the moment is to forget that Israel itself is a mistake. It is an honest mistake, a well-intentioned mistake, a mistake for which no one is culpable, but the idea of creating a nation of European Jews in an area of Arab Muslims (and some Christians) has produced a century of warfare and terrorism of the sort we are seeing now. Israel fights Hezbollah in the north and Hamas in the south, but its most formidable enemy is history itself." - RICHARD COHEN


The imaginary place where I keep my private thoughts
In the floating empty silence with my stomach tied in knots
I perceive the perfect riffs for the six string on my lap
I receive the higher voices which I cultivate and tap
It can sound like choirs of angels with a fine orchestral grace
Or the whisper of a woman - I can almost see her face
It can leave me feeling something that is greater than all pain
As I shiver to remember how her hair smelled in the rain....



My sad Soul left my body
And I flew across the sky
I crossed a massive ocean
In the blinking of an eye
I started in New England
In a state they call Vermont
And wound up in Tunisia
Like a ghost out on the haunt
I wandered in a city 
It's called, "Mahdia" - they say
I looked a certain girl up
And I followed in her way
I watched her every footstep
Yes - I left nothing to chance
I hovered near beside her
As she spoke the tongue of France
My body shook and trembled
Way back there in my small bed
As I watched her comb her hair out
Such a lovely, pretty head
She gazed into her mirror
For a second caught a glimpse
Of my sad Soul behind her
I am sure I saw her wince
In the fraction of an instance
I was back across the sea
So she is there and I am here
Oh woe, oh woe is me....



If I had just a little more money
If I had just a little more time
If I had just a little more magic
I'd cast a spell and make you mine-o-mine

If I had a fast car for the highway
If I had a fat cellar full of wine
If I had clothes good enough for Sunday
I'd got to Church and turn my back on crime

But you know I ain't got none of that coming
You're far away and I'll never know why
I gave you Love and you took it for weakness
My worst mistake was letting you see me cry

If I had just a little more money
If I had just a little more time
If I had just a little more magic
I'd cast a spell and make you mine-o-mine



I'm not the Beast from the Abyss
My name is Christopher not Chris
I live my life in perfect bliss
Born in this World to tell you this -

You'd better get down on your knees
Look to the Heavens and beg, "Please
"Forgive me God for this dis-ease
"Of doing only what I please!"

And when you've done as I have said
You better wrap your lovely head
In a burka colored black
Made from some old burlap sack

Go and sit among the ashes
Of the people dead from rashes
Which they caught from being fucked
Too many times - that must have sucked

And in about a dozen years
When the winds have dried your tears
If you've finally learned your place
I'll let you uncover your face

You can cook and clean and mop
But you can't dance or read or talk
And if you give me any lip
I'll chop your head off - that's a tip



The Internet belongs to me.
It's mine alone - why can't you see?
The world outside is hard and cold
And I am tired, fat and old.
But here before my laptop screen
I'm powerful as Mean Joe Green.
I rant and rave and rhyme and troll.
Stand back!  Look out!  I'm on a roll!
This is how I spend my days
And this is how I changed my ways.
Right there on justin dot tv
I grokked the Illumin-a-ti
This is where I learned to eat -
(The best food in the world ain't meat!)
And this is where I learned the facts
About all these false flag attacks.
9/11?  A crock of shit!
The Pentagon weren't even hit!
Juri Lina! Thanks the most!
Oh how I hate Karl Marx's ghost!
Gnostic Liberation Front
And Perez Hilton - what a stunt!
I almost think you must be gay -
The way you talk and what you say.
(Not that it matters much to me -
My sister's queer - Hello Jenny!)
Hulu!  Netflix!  Crackle too!
(My comments there must rankle you.)
thinkingrightblog dot com rules!
I love to blast neo-con fools.
Still, Geoffrey Willis lets me growl
'bout the Grove and that big owl
That they worship once a year -
(You best believe there's much to fear!)
Vermont's so-called 'progressive' party?
You blocked me quick -
You're ethos - farty
I hate you more than words can say
Goddamned Commies - go away!
Yes! Youtube let me post my songs
With videos to right the wrongs
Of Zionist controlled TV
No!  Google never censored me.
They set me loose on blogger, see.
Now local cops can't fuck with me.
The Internet is mine - it's true.
But David Duke - my hat's off to you!
I read from your site every day -
Morris Dees!  It's time YOU pay!
Fuck your damned S.P.L.C.
I'm poor as shit - you never helped me!
Is that because my skin is White?
Well that's all right, man.  That's all right.
Soundcloud let me pump my tracks.
AngelFlayer!  I've got your backs!
Facebook?  What could I ever say?
You put my big fat mouth in play!
Yes here before my laptop screen
I'm powerful as Mean Joe Green.
I rant and rave and rhyme and troll
Stand back!  Look out!  And thanks, Nicole!

(Oh Shit!  I damn near forgot Bill Still -
END THE FED!  (I pray God will....))



Scarlet wanderer -
why do you roam
So far from your center?
It's time to roll home.
The patch that once held
all the pumpkins is bare.
Halloween's in a week -
So why do you care?

Scarlet wanderer
Keep your tongue in your cheek.
This World is not yours
It belongs to the meek.
Political turmoil is best left alone
By those who have wandered
Into the wrong zone.

The meek are the ones who don't have their own voice.
Their lives are snuffed out when they don't have a choice.
And those who seek only to save a few lives
Can turn hotter than fire and sharper than knives.

Get back on your horse and ride away clean.
There's more to this picture than anyone's seen.
You're ethos is simple - its dumb and its wrong.
You can think what you want
But we sing our own song.



All I see when I look around the ghettos
Are fallow fields where there should have been meadows
Fertile minds buried deep under the blacktop
Another generation dumbed down by hip-hop

When you get all your knowledge from a rap track
You don't learn nuthin - Why don't you crack a book, Jack?
Bobble-headin with your headphones amping
A torture victim with electrodes clamping
Your brain programmed until it's full of bullshit
Worse than a crackhead -
Ready for another hit?

Ignorance consumes your soul like a vulture
Drums and a bass line - you call that your 'culture'
"Get money - get money - get dat paper"
Time to spread it for the intellect-raper

All I see when I look around the ghettos
Are fallow fields where there should have been meadows
Fertile minds buried deep under the blacktop
Another generation pimped out to hip-hop


This poem is recorded here - satirically - as a rap/hiphop track.


The world outside keeps boiling up
So volatile and grey
The implications fret me not
I simply go away

My madness has been wonderful
I picked it out by hand
My mood was set by digital
I know you understand



Yes I am a butcher
So let me make it plain
I kill for fun just like that Dun
In BELLY - I'm insane

You bet I am a killer
I drop bombs like Lemay
I scorch the Earth - For what it's worth
I live for Judgment Day

Tupac was a poet
And Biggie knew the game
C-Murder meant every last word
They got him all the same

But when these Pigs came at me wrong
My heart was lifted by the song
The Good Lord poured into my ears
I beat the case and kept my years

You know I'm not a liar
You know this rhyme is tight
This rap game's mine to leave or take
And that - you know - is right....



[NOTES ON THIS HORRIBLE STUPID POEM : I mention the great rap poets of my lexicon but my rap style is influenced by none other than the J-ROC - Sunnyvale - Holding It Down With Mine!  The truth is that I want to be more pious and I want to live in a world, society and culture that does too.  Not just when I'm in jail or my fate is otherwise in foxhole peril.  All the time.  There is a point at which liberalism permits all things to be questioned, challenged, ignored.  All moral truths.  Every semblance of goodness and righteousness.  And I simply do not believe that nothing can be held to be true or that everything is permitted.  Camus's philosophy of the absurd touches me deeply and is made of the stuff of shattering LSD trips when you are seventeen and no one warned you about any of it and you realize at 3:10am alone in your bedroom in your mother's house that life is a greasy chemical reaction and that you are going to die no matter what some day.  But the sermons and statements attributed to Jesus Christ in the King James Bible make just as much sense.  I had a red letter text Bible when I was young.  Just the spoken words of Christ were printed in red ink.  The rest of the text was black.  Never needed St. Paul.  Or anyone else with an opinion and a point of view. - CHRISTOPHER HAYDEN]


I respect every person
whoever died
and got buried in a cemetery
where I passed by

I like to go to boneyards
and drink a couple beers
and sit and think about how short
my time is just in years


An Angel came into my rooms and said, "We need to talk."
He woke me from a perfect sleep but no - I did not squawk.
His feet were wrapped in sandals made of leather - polished black.
I watched them change to combat boots and then watched them change back.
He wore a cloak of linen colored Whiter than my skin.
Black gloves concealed big hands - where no sin had ever been.
His cloak turned to a tunic colored blacker than night skies.
And then it changed back to a cloak of White before my eyes.
His voice was like a rumble of Great Thunder in the East.
And when he spoke it let me know I was among 'the least.'
"These people you consider friends are nothing of the kind -
So test them as I tell you thus and then the Truth you'll find."
I rubbed the sleep from my dim eyes and tried to take my feet.
The Angel roared - "Stay where you are until my Word's complete!"
I stayed upon my bedding where I keep it on the floor.
This Creature had me shaking now and thus I did implore -
"Sweet Angel!  Son of Heaven!  Please don't crush me with your voice!"
"Dear Soul!"  he bellowed loudly.  "You have left me with no choice!"
"Please sir!  I beg you!  Please believe!  I am reborn in Christ!"
"I know all that."  the Angel beamed.  "For you Christ has sufficed."
And then he sat down next to me and thus he did implore.
"Just hear me out and I'll be gone, away, and out your door.
"Your 'friends' are selfish monkeys who manipulate and spy.
"They only 'love' you if you 'love' them back - and that's no lie.
"So break the chains that hold you - simply look them in the eye.
"And tell them what you REALLY THINK and watch them say 'Goodbye.'"
"My friends?"  I said.  "My dearest chums?  I love them more than life!"
"You think you do."  The Angel said.  "That's why you need this knife."
And then from out of nothing he withdrew a long thin blade.
Solingen steel.  I knew at once just where it had been made.
The rosewood handle polished black as onyx - black as night.
He passed it over to me as he said with Great Delight :
"You let your 'friends' exploit you.  This is how Cain treated Abel.
"They only really 'love' you when there's something on the table.
"And you are just as guilty oftentimes - this thing's worldwide.
"And Judgment Day is coming; soon there'll be no where to hide.
"So loose your tongue and tell them all the ways you have felt hurt.
"True friends will all still stay with you and the rest will soon desert."
I thought about it quietly and clasped my hands for prayer.
"Dear God!"  I screamed inside my head.  "Please let me know You're there!
"An Angel or a Demon has now caught me unaware!
"Is this perhaps the Devil?  Shall I trust him or beware?
"He still sits here beside me in the middle of the night!
"He wants me to shake up my friends.  Please tell me - is he right?"
"The Lord your God is with you."  Said the Angel with a smile.
"He sent me here to treat with you.  I've only got a while.
"You have your orders and your blade - now do as I command.
"A little time.  A little faith.  And then you'll understand."
And rising to his feet, the Angel put his hand in mine.
"You know God's true will for you now.  Proceed and you'll be fine."
But just as he was reaching for the handle of my door.
He turned around and asked me, "Know you what the knife is for?"
I looked down at the dagger which was resting in my lap.
I picked it up and touched it to my forehead with a tap.
The blade was cold as Norway ice a hundred winters deep.
It burned me with its coldness - Ouch! - and then my heart did leap!
The Angel had not given me this blade of German steel.
It's been in my possession all along.  Yes!  Here's the deal -
My phony friends - those leeches - have all used it as a handle
To twist me to their selfish wills and burn me like a candle.
Held in the light, yes, held just right the blade is thus engraved -
"Meine Ehre Heisst Treue" - "My honor is my loyalty" - I'm Saved!

And now it could be put away into its proper rack.
The knife has been mine all along - God pulled it from my back.


Burlington, VT  03-30-2013


Sometimes I get so tired of preaching to the choir.
I want to start a fire and I want to burn it higher.
I'll give up everything thing I have to feed this one desire -
Death to these central banking fiends!
Let's toss em on the pyre!

My sacrifice is proudly made.
Come get it if you want it.
But take your shot and miss again -
You bet I'm gonna flaunt it.
You tried to kill me -
Tried to lock me up and toss the key.
Look at you now - you Zio-Pigs!
Wrong side of history!
Pure Bolshevik to me....



From the global realm of endless war 
To the down low streets with the drug addict whore.
The cops don't respect ya. 
They don't rat each other. 
They pat you on your head 
And for that you'd sell your mother. 




In a shallow grave
In a fallow field
You might find my bones
You might find my shield
But you won't find my sorrow
And you won't find my 'yield'
And I'll fight on tomorrow
My 'deaths' are always healed

Beneath a starless sky
Beneath an unlit moon
Within a fog of mind
Drawn from a needle's spoon
Beyond the pain of  'going'
Beyond all coming back
My eyes stare up at nothing
My skin turns greasy-black

A child hides from Mother
Down in a basement cold
Wise beyond all reason
Yet still just four years old
He looks into the shadows
That form beneath the stairs
And fears no Man nor Creature
As lips pronounce His prayers



If I had a twin
He'd be nothing like me
'Cause I'm a fucking prick
With a unique history
And just because his genes
Might make him look and sound like me
You best believe me when I say
I'd take no shit from he

If I had a twin
He'd know to watch his mouth
Or our special blood relation
Would soon be headed south
There'd be no room in 'our world'
For static or for friction
He'd mind his P's and I my Q's
And that is my prediction

If I had a twin
He'd be more than 'a clone'
He could have his own life
So long as he left me alone
But let him try to fuck me up
Or 'piss me off' per se
His skull would be my drinking mug
That's all I have to say


3,000 YEARS ON

I'll tell you true
They snuck onto
Crescent Beach in Maine

An ugly sight to see such blight
Those filthy scum
Came back last night.
A Muslim hoard laden with sword
Just tearing for a fight.

And so it seems, US Marines
Deployed from Casco Bay
With air support launched from the Fort
Called 'Williams' in its day.

And Cape Elizabeth fell down
For about the hundredth time
And the blood of men sloshed on the rocks
With seaweed in the slime

And as before, since three thousand four
The thousands dead were counted by score
The Prophet's Sons
Killed everyone
From Falmouth Neck
To Scarborough Shore

The US Navy - quite late - arrived
With sailors they had just conscribed
From Norway and a Spanish port
I shall not name (it's no resort.)

The Navy shelled the landlocked fiends
Who'd slaughtered every last Marine
And every Muslim in the battle
Was finally, fatefully killed.

It happened last morrow.
My heart feels no sorrow.
As a Christian I know that God willed.



Let this poem stand for flags
Waved by children dressed in rags
Babies born beneath the growl
Of  jet fighters on the prowl

Let this poem be a prayer
Let it prove to you I care
Written at the break of dawn
Share it, like it, pass it on

Let these simple words of verse
Make a blessing of the curse
That this central banking scheme
Was always really meant to mean

They loan their fiat funds for war
Taking profits from the gore
All these wars and all this pain
And all those lives spilled down the drain

Let this poem be my voice
In this world we have a choice
To sit back and let it spin
Or to stand up and begin

Or to stand up and begin
To fight back



Electronic Jesus coming to me over the waves
Singing to me about sunbeams that looked like the ones
I saw when I was still brave

Psychedelic Buddha praying for a grain of rice
He's happy to see the sun is shining
If the rain should fall - it wouldn't bother him at all

Digital Mohammed fighting for a fistful of sand
His son died throwing stones but he never feels alone
Because Allah promised him his own land

You know he's going to make a stand


In Portland, Maine back in the late 1980's I used to write and record music with a small set of musical artists that I had known since high school. In more recent times I received a magnetic tape in the mail and it sat around for a long time because I had nothing to play it on. When I finally got the chance to listen to it it contained this song which I wrote and sang, accompanied by an acoustic guitar played by one of my old collaborators. The funny thing is I remember the session. I know exactly where we worked on this. Silver Street in Portland in a fantastic top floor apartment which faces the waterfront from about two blocks away. I could have lived there for the rest of my life and been happy as happy ever was. - CMH


Remember your humanity
and I shall cling to mine.
Hold fast to all that's good and right
and all will soon be fine.

This war - this fight - this argument
can now be put to be bed.
No winners here, no winners there -
Just the maimed, shell-shocked and dead.

The Cold War wasn't always cold
For some it was Hot as Hell -
Villagers, poor simple folk,
Who never lived to tell.

Forgotten in those proxy wars
Of monstrous moral rust -
The people who once breathed clean air
Reduced to collateral dust....

Go to sleep, sweet Cold War.
Go to sleep you whore.
You cost us more than all what-for,
but now we've closed the store.



A race war may be brewing
I sense it late at night
Don't say I'm misconstruing
What we both know may be right

The Blacks here in America
Are stirred up past all reason
This isn't esoterica
We White Folk are in season

They stalk us on the sidewalks
Of the cities that we built
And rob and rape and maim us
While we stand still in our 'guilt'

The Jew-box (television)
Paints us all as "Crazy Spartans"
And woos the Blacks with twisted facts
"You're all poor 'Treyvon Martin's"

A hundred Blacks get blown away
No headlines, no attention
The shooters were all Black, you see
And thus it bears no mention

A hundred Whites get ground to dust
Watch Black-on-White crime climb
The Jews up in their news rooms
Keep it quiet and sublime

The drum beats in the hip-hop songs
Are war drums being pounded
As Big-shot Jew music execs
Spin dreams of Whites surrounded

And what does Mr. Whitey get
If he should lift his head
Turn face and leave the feeding trough?
"He's racist!" is what's said

And so without a talking head
To tell him what to do
The typical White asshole
Lives his life in this sick zoo

He goes to work and pays his bills
And gripes about his taxes
Meanwhile these vicious Commie Jews
Teach Blacks to grind their axes

Just watch these White 'progressives'
Try to obviate their guilt
And vote-in Jew politicos
As Europe's blossoms wilt

Israel, they say, is just for Jews
The centuries demand it
"Diversity is for the Goy"
Please tell me how you stand it!?

The Blacks aren't our chief enemies
They're just a proxy mob
The Jews are those who must be chomped
Like kernels off the cob

Let's chew them up and spit them out
And burn them into ashes
Time to unsheath the Holy Knives
Boys!  Pull them from your sashes!

A race war HAS been raging
On Wall Street and D.C.
We've all been under sneak attack
It's plain as plain can be

This bastard Kike Bernanke
Has been dumping so much cash
Out here in circulation
Just to wipe away your stash

Your dollar isn't worth a song
Do you ever wonder why?
Ron Paul warned us to END THE FED
Now heed my battle cry

A Day is coming, fast and quick
It's time to rise and face it
Take off the glove and make a fist
Goddamnit!  Now!  Unlace it!  

Hear me now!  I tell you True
This Movement must gain traction
The time is right, the time is now 
For bold, decisive action!

(It all comes down to history
And if the Whites should lose
We'll pat each other on the back
And blame it on the Jews....)



The government of Doctor Chan
and Kublai Khan 'the Merican'....
It's all too plain - your sicko plan
Good conscience keeps me in the can.
I do not trust these Commanders in Chief
Nor their appointed butchers in clover leaf
Or seven star generals in space shuttle wars
that are still so secret - the rooms have no doors

Doctor Chan?  A Chinese Crook
Who rules the world from 'Babbling Brook'
Babbling Brook?  A secret place
Where nothing counts but saving face
Babbling Brook - a palace lush
Where business men, like sled dogs, mush
Everyone goes to where they're told
To sell plastic and bring back gold
Kublai Khan?  'the Merican?'
This is a code name for The Man
Whom Doctor Chan picks out by hand
The President, you understand
The President of this Great Land!
(And it's the same in Europe too
All Kings and Queens drink Doc Chan's brew.
And every other so called leader
Locked in step to Chan the Bleeder)

The world turns fast from day to night
There's work to do and wars to fight
Yet darkness never turns to light
And Doctor Chan is always right
They say he's lived ten thousand years
Sustained by Blood and Sweat and Tears
He drinks them from a wooden cup
Adorned with orchids, and for sup
They say he eats the flesh of men
Which is why they're not seen again
They disappear from time to time
Are cooked in pots of salty brine
He feasts upon the soft, sweet meat
And then, to make his meal complete
He sips a tea of special brew
And wipes his mouth when he is through

And Kublai Khan?  'the Merican?'
His job is pretty small, this man
He looks good in a tie and coat
And makes sure sharks swim in the moat
To be sure we don't get a look
at that strange place called 'Babbling Brook'
Beyond that, Kublai's job is war
He starts em, fuels em, know what for?
To generate Blood, Sweat and Tears
To fuel the Doctor through his years

And now they're having wars in space
The Doctor seeks to rule the place
He's set his sights on other worlds
and as his plan slowly unfurls
His secret weapon is the fact
That aliens, when they're attacked
Don't understand the deck is stacked
They're much like us, and that's a fact!
They only came here seeking signs
Of Love and Peace but Chan divines
A play to lay claim to their homes
and sack them all like astral Romes
And thus the Shuttle Wars are fought
Are we alone?  No we are not
A billion-billion worlds await
Mad Doctor Chan and our same fate

This poem that you read is true
That's why I wrote it down for you
Late breaking news - out of the blue
Chan ain't a chink - seems he's a Jew....



A thousand-thousand imbeciles
Will tell you you're a fool
Because you have not renounced Christ
Nor trashed his Golden Rule

They'll tell you He's a mannequin
- a puppet on a stick
They'll mock and curse and hem and haw
And spare no dirty trick

The sources to which they refer
The books through which they plod
Were penned by men who openly
Praised Satan as their god

Crowley? William Butler Yeats?
Who's next? Police Chief Darrell Gates?
Why not ask de Sade what he thinks?
We'll dig him up. (He probably stinks.)

We see it more and more these days
These digital stump speeches
The anti-christ's foul spotted fruit -
This nonsense that he preaches

The rebel angel loves it all
These lies his grand delight
This is his own language, of course

The Devil wanted to be God
His pride drove him to madness
And now you think that you're a god?
I'm nigh pegged down in sadness 

I'll pray for you - He'd want me to
Even as stones are thrown
But that's okay - go be that way
Christ won't forget His own

And as for me, just look and see
I'll kneel here by the Cross
Christ's company - no tyranny
Lucifer's Fall - no loss.

And as for me, just wait and see
I'll stand tall with the Man
A Crown of Life upon my head
What don't you understand?



I damn nearly cried
When I heard that he'd died
Old Kalashnikov's gone to the grave
Though he'd reached 94
Yes I shrieked and I swore
And I prayed that his Soul would be saved

He never got paid
For the guns that he made
As a Commie he walked a hard path
If he'd come to the West
To compete with the best
Well, it's not hard to work out the math

He made so many guns
They are measured in tons
In some hotspots they have them like sand
Kalashnikov's gift -
A political rift
Do you think this is what he had planned?

Some say he loved war
This is what his gun's for
As were swords, the crossbow and the lance
The simple design
A reliable sign
That gives soldiers a fair fighting chance

So he had a good run
And so has his gun
I hope he's right up there in Heaven
Blasting away
To the Devil's dismay
With a shiny AK-47



I wrote some verse
It was quite terse
More than twelve years now past
The poem was lost
The paper was tossed
The dye, as they say, was cast

It went like this
I still recall
The last few lines
To end it all -

Hell is a place
Of lonliness -
Of emptiness -
Of ice.
Consider this a warning
from your brother, Christian Price.


IMAGINE there's no Israel 
                           - you know the tune

Imagine there's no Israel
It's easy - close your eyes
No Arab children burned with phosphorus
No more of AIPAC's lies

Imagine the U.S. Congress
Getting up off their knees - woo-hoooo

Jews might say I'm anti-Semitic
But that's just a trick they play
Manipulating your emotions
What else could they ever say?

Imagine all the Neo-cons
Led off to the gallows' pole
Michael Chertoff in a blindfold
May God have mercy on his soul

Imagine all the people
Living life in peace - woo-hoooo

They might say that I'm a hater
But it's words of Love I sing
Let's ban Israel from the planet
So that Freedom's Bells may ring!



Obama sent a flying drone
It killed her world
She survived alone
This desert girl
Now has no home
Since Obama sent his flying drone

Obama sent a flying drone
And in its path the light that shown
Was only seen in infrared
They never saw it
Now they’re dead

Obama sent a flying drone - and
Her whole world was rent asunder
When Obama brought his thunder
To her desert valley home
Which he’d been sacking
like Old Rome



I started small time
Beer halls
Bad putsch
Close calls

This is not a joke, man
This be my flow, man
If Germany is gonna live
Jews gotta go, man

Do I want a Porsche?
I'm thinking 'No thanks'
I got that muthafucka
Building all my Tiger Tanks

I floss Mercedes Benz
When I ride wit my friends
Ragtop down so I can stand
When you see me, raise dat hand

Dirtnap suckas fill tha ditches
Heil me!  You fucking bitches



He goes by "Mick Micro"
He is NOT a psycho
He seeks to do just what is right

He leads from the rear
So let's give him a cheer
Clap your hands if your color is White

Though he'll show his real face
Some claim he's a disgrace
Since he hides behind such a dumb name

So they call him a clown
"The Movement" watered down
But old "Mick" accepts none of the blame

He's been vetted, you see
He's above you and me
He's a Top Dog who does what he must

And when we're all attacked
Since the deck has been stacked
Good ol' "Mick" will avoid the big bust

This is not 'cause he's scared
He is always prepared
To lean into a pitch for "The Cause"

When brave "Mick" gets away
He'll be able to say
That his job was to dodge the Jew's jaws

When we're all in a camp
Being led down the ramp
To the gas-cellar where we will die

Good brave "Mick" will be left
To feel sad and bereft
As he 'fights on' without you or I

So let's give him a hand
Come on folks!  Let's all stand
As he comes up to accept his prize

Mister Lead from the Rear
Is Our Man of the Year
He's confounded The Enemy's spies

(Yes "The Party" will thrive
It will still be alive
In "Mick's" heart when the rest of it dies)

CREATOR'S NOTE : Before I climb a tree I like to give it a good shake first.  I want to see what sort of rotten fruit and dead wood might come falling out; which species of birds or other woodland creatures might be startled into breaking cover from their leaf-obscured roosts via even the gentlest of seismic provocations.

It's nothing against the tree of course.  I simply learned, long ago, that last thing I want to do - in a World like ours - is to go clawing on up into high and unfamiliar branches and suddenly find myself face to face with a panther or some wild ape. - CMH


I took all my vices
And gave them to mices
And then fed the mices to cats
I fed those felines
To some dogs near the pines
And the dog's blood I then fed to bats

So the bats flew away for a year and a day
And came back one night late in the fall
As they lit on my neck
I exclaimed "What the heck!"
Seems my vices had not left at all

And so here I sit
As infected as shit
With bad habits I'm too shamed to list
Seems that year and a day
Were a wishful stage play
That my mind had dreamed up - here's the twist

If I try really hard
And I play the right card
I can keep myself sin-free and pure
So I wake up each day
And I re-write that play
No!  For me -
There is no other cure



What this World is
And why it should be thus
Will never ever change
Even though we might discuss

The things that hurt us most
And the things we deeply fear
The things we'd re-arrange
Like an engine changing gear

The only problem being
We are not this World's Creator
The green machine cares not
So go ahead and call me 'hater'

The most that we can hope
And the best that we can do
Is to look inside our Hearts
And bravely face that which is True


"Money Power and Usury are the battles on the material plane. 
The real issue is our enslavement to the material world, 
our preoccupation with self." 


Let me give you all a clue
Commercial products are killing you
I might get killed for saying so
But all this crap will lay you low

The perfumes in your laundry soap
Are just a toxic hangman's rope
The aluminum in your deodorant gel
After you're dead you're gonna smell

The pills that you were told to take
By that two-faced lab-coated snake
Will keep you sick for your whole life
Land you under the surgeon's knife

The plastic bottle at your mouth
Will have your health soon headed south
Must I even mention fast food?
I've tried my best not to sound rude

Your teeth are full of mercury
They told you 'silver' but, trust me
They lied right to your trusting face
It ought to be a Federal case

Fluoride got dumped into your water
And milk hormones that made your daughter
Look 18 when she was 10
She'll never be the same again

The round-up ready corn they pump
Into nearly everything they dump
Onto the Walmart grocery aisles
Imagine their accountant's smiles

It's not a theory my dear folks
Death is a wheel - these are the spokes
They're killing us to turn a buck
Yet most of us don't give a fuck



When Jimmy joined the C.I.A.
He thought it sounded cool
He'd just finished his MBA
(Oh! How he hated school)

He flew down to Langley, V-A
To interview and such
He was surprised when no one
Really asked him very much

He got a call within two weeks
And flew back down once more
He raised his hand and swore his oath
Without knowing the score

They had him sign a form or two
In black ink - not in blood
He never had to do
A single push-up in the mud

They cut him loose and sent him home
They told him that they'd call
He started getting paychecks in the mail
And that's not all -

From time to time a package
Would arrive by UPS
Cocaine and guns, a human hand
What's next? He could not guess

And so a decade's years went by
They never called by phone
He cashed his checks and banked the loot
And spent his time alone

From time to time the bell would ring
The packages kept coming
They filled his basement over time
Poor Jimmy kept on humming

He did not know the words, you see
To this peculiar song
The C.I.A. was laughing
Yes. They'd played him all along

One day the cops kicked in his door
And shot him in his brain
The headlines read that Jimmy
Was “A Mad Dog Gone Insane"

Forensic teams went through the house
And found that crazy gear
Body parts and crystal meth
And guns and bombs, Oh dear!

When everything was said and done
The story was complete
They covered up ten years of ops
And Jimmy took the heat



The Holy True and Living God
Is not a lizard nor a frog
He does not take an earthly form
Not dog nor pig nor unicorn
But if He chooses He still can
Walk among us as a Man
No contradiction to this truth
I learned it in my early youth



To go insane on purpose -
It really is no trick.
I drink a beer
And drink a beer
And drink a beer real quick.

I wait a little while
And take a hit of weed.
Then drink a beer
And drink a beer
With elegance and speed.

The final step is easy -
I just smoke a bit more pot.
Then drink a beer
And drink a beer -
I do it quite a lot.

The blackout is quite stealthy.
Intellect in full retreat.
Quite soon I'll find
I've lost my mind.
The process is complete.

Once in that altered state,
I often simply chill -
In my soft chair
I love to air

Or else I'll jump online a while
Perhaps even the phone.
Wear a paper crown.
Burn bridges down.
And laugh like Hell - alone.

I'll badger my whole friends list
And threaten them with death.
Then drink a beer
And drink a beer -
Take a hit and hold my breath.

But oh - once in a while
When the stars just won't line up -
The SWAT team comes
With heavy guns
Beyond the Arms of Krupp.

This shamanistic madness
Does not save me from remorse
Once I understand
I'm in the hands
Of my local police force.

The charges may be petty
Or they may be bad indeed
But either way
I'll have to pay
So please, dear friends, take heed.

To go insane on purpose
In a world as sick as this
Makes perfect sense
You think I'm dense -
But it makes me merciless.

And merciless feels better
Than living on my knees.
Rather a knave
Than a dumb debt-slave.
Thank God I hold the keys!

A drunken fucking pot head
Is all I want to be.
When I come down
I'll write it down
In rhyming poetry.

(When I'm blasted - don't fuck with me.)



The government is shutting down
There's nothing left but death around

I tried to write love songs today
But globalism wouldn't stay away

There's too much truth in too few lies
The President wears monkey ties

This total plan still makes no sense
We cannot find law precedents

The people lost their history
To 9/11 and Wiki-P

There used to be a thing we called
Destroying enemies abroad

And one more thing - keep a few guns
For the motherfucking domestic ones



The General was a big fat guy
His laugh would shake the mountains
But when he drank
His ideas stank
And blood would flow like fountains

He lived one hundred thousand lives
Each one worse than the last
He fought with swords
Slaughtered great hoards
Thank God it's all now past

One hundred thousand is the mark
That God sets for each soul
He had his chance
He did his dance
And now he's reached the goal

The General died for his last time
His soul was called to Heaven
So he stood tall
Before them all -
The Angel's Council of Seven



(ode to facebook)

Oh how I hate this website
Oh I want to kick it's ass
Just to smash it with a hammer
Like a fucking piece of glass
How I'd love to find the assholes
Who are running this whole thing
And burn them into cinders
At the center of a ring
In the circus of humanity
Inside the chief Big Top
I would light them all on fire
And give Zuckerberg a chop
To the portion of his spine
That's connected to his neck
Fucking Jew!  Fucking asshole!
Fucking rat!  What the heck?!



banished from my heart forever - baby
banished from my soul
feel us fall apart - feel you fall away
and it seems like such a long way to go

no i never thought you'd leave me - baby
never thought we'd come untied
but when the Golden Bow breaks
and the children go mad
you know we'll wish them all away with our hearts

there's so much that i would say
if i had you here today
the world was yours to change
but now that it's not -
and it seems like such a long way to go...



The daily news
Built to confuse
The working man...
Who never can
Rise above the ceiling
Of this lost and lonely feeling
They keep this beast of burden
Like an inferior race

- and so I live with a certain terror of the unseen things.

Social media
The thinking man
Who never can
Pierce the false illusion
Of this engineered confusion
A brain inside a straightjacket
Never to be released

- and so I live with a certain terror of the unseen things.

Liquidation of Creation
Everyone too smart - too sly
To ever truly believe in God
culturally Marxist clap-trap
University a bear trap
Indoctrination's what it's for
(Plus a life of debt galore!)

- and so I live with a certain terror of the unseen things.

Formalized religious expression
Drained of life and love
Is the only thing
That it will ever bring
To my door
Worldly church - Babylon whore
The filthy bitch they kneel before

- and so I live with a certain terror of the unseen things.



Some are born on Earth
but have no place to live
Others are rich beyond measure
but have nothing to give
When Christ comes back from Heaven
And the trumpets roar and clatter
I hope He comes to free the sons
Of the first and not the latter

The Catholic Church is richer
Than a hundred nations bound
But ask the Pope for a buck and a smoke
He'll be nowhere to be found
I think what makes me sicker
Than the lies and greed and wars
Is the way these Euro bankers
Turned our Congress into whores

The Mormons think their money
Is proof God loves them best
The Jews believe their Talmud
Makes them better than the rest
Some Arabs have more cash flow
Than you or I could dream
A true prophet would be disgusted
By their profits from gasoline

Some are born to riches
Yet live their lives in fear
Some are trapped in poverty
But rejoice year after year
When Christ comes back from Heaven
And I hope He makes it fast
I hope He comes to clear up
What he meant by 'first' and 'last'



Dylann Storm Roof - going down.
A single voice cannot be found
To say a word and ask the state
To reconsider his sad fate.

Did he kill them?  Yes indeed.
Was it senseless?  That's agreed.
Does he have a price to pay?
"Yes he does." is what I say.

But someone please explain to me
The basis of this odd theory
That killing Dylann somehow will
Teach others that it's wrong to kill.



Christopher Louras
Self-crowned king of that morass
Affectionately known as Rut-vegas
His secret desire
To sneak and conspire
And help the Wahhabis invade us

God bless that mayor
And the third party payer
His covert source of the money
Could that be the reason
For his open treason?
The Saudi's sure think that it's funny
All it took was his greed
And the Sharia seed
Is now planted in our sovereign soil
The dupes might all cheer
But it's perfectly clear
It was paid for with profits from oil
Yes, he'll get a fair trial
Sure we'll give him a while
To protest and plead and appeal
But don't ever doubt
That the clock will time out
True Justice will bring him to heel
Keep laughing, old son
Now your plot's come undone
The muzrat supply is now ended
You'll soon get a rope
In exchange for your hope
Too damn bad if my rhymes have offended


God saved this Special work for me
He knew that I would like it
He threw the ball
And guess what, y'all?
I caught it and I spiked it



He sits and he thinks
And he thinks and he sits
And he sits and he thinks some more
Sure he's killed a lot of people
In each case they had it coming
Just watch out
Or he'll give you the what-for

A King in his castle
He's a man best not to hassle
If you cross him once
He'll cross you back thrice
If you look him in the eye
Be sure to smile smart and sly
or he might take it as an insult
(And he might never tell you why.)

He's nothing like the others
He never had no Nazi brothers
He don't give a shit about your faith or race
He's just deal-makin' Don
All Manhattan's his front lawn
You can mock him but he'll laugh back in your face



Charlie Krafft is neither daft
Nor in over his head
Mr. Krafft is on a raft
He's floating high instead
Epic Charles avoids the snarls
Of salt, water and sun
He rides the waves
'bove wat'ry graves
His journey is not done

(According to Wikipedia
 He's a master of many a media
 But social is not one.)



It's time to kill Fat Faisal Gill
And chop him into fourths
And hang his joints
As the compass points
At east, south, west and north

This is Vermont, not Pakistan
That wigwog needs to understand
His creepy death-cult and it's laws
Will never get its filthy paws
Will never sink its bloody jaws
Into this green and sacred land!

Let justice be done
Or blood flow like fountains
No to Islam
In these Green Mountains


THE HENRY IX VERSES, also titled 
"If I was the God-selected but self-crowned First American King of England") 


Bring me the head of Jared Kushner
And the scalp of Donald Trump
Round up the Jews of New York City
And gas-truck them all to the dump
Capture Jewboy Chuckie Schumer
And drag him kicking and screaming
To a clean and well-lit torture cell
I'm done with rhymes and memeing
Cut out the tongue of Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
And pack it up Hillary's ass
Sit Bernie down and serve him a meal
Roast pork laced with fine ground glass
What do we do with Ben Shapiro?
Gun him down cold - he's not my hero
What should be done with Charles Krauthammer?
Bash out his brains with a claw tooth hammer!

Sweep through Hollywood in one single night
Torch the damn sign and let it burn bright
Castrate Harv Weinstein and film as he weeps
And then do the same to the rest of those creeps

As for Mark Zuckerberg, set him on fire
And make him a necklace of a Goodyear tire
Then capture those pricks who run Google too
And feed them to lions in the San Diego zoo
The secret shareholders of the Federal Reserve
Are about to collect the dividends they deserve
As for Vlad Putin, you know what to do
Make a lampshade out of that rat crypto-Jew

It comes down to this, we have no other course
We can do it today with a small, special force
Nuke all of Israel at the stroke of my pen
And we'll finally make America great once again


THE HENRY IX VERSES, also titled 
"If I was the God-selected but self-crowned First American King of England") 


The seeds of our destruction
Came walking into town
Their black eyes filled with hatred
Their skin a turdish brown

These filthy goddamned Moslems
All showed up in a day
The rich elites who brought them he re
Had nary a word to say

The seeds of our destruction
Set out without delay
To raise Hell with their mayhem
Which is their only way

They robbed and raped and killed us
And burned our churches down
The no-go zones are bigger
Every time I go to town

The seeds of our destruction
Have started holding court
They stoned a young girl yesterday
On the grounds of the old fort

How did they ever come here?
Who brought them all this way?
These traitors we call 'rich elites!'
There's nothing more to say.



I met a guy on Facebook
Who said he held the keys
To freedom from all tyrannies
He said "$49.95 please."

I didn't have the money
So I 'friended' him instead
I read his posts both day and night
And this is what he said -

"Everyone is stupid."
"You deserve to be a slave."
"You've chosen not to buy my book -
Go dig your own cold grave"

I asked him, "What's the truth then?
"If you know, man, spit it out"
He held his cards close to his chest
And fanned my flames of doubt.

I did a little research
To see what others thought
It seems he wanted yet more cash
From those, his book, who'd bought.

I wondered, "What's the deal here?
If this book 'will set you free'
Why would I need to pay him more
Having read it all, you see?"

And so I did confront him
Right there on Facebook threads
He said I was a 'nervy jerk'
As bad as all these Reds

But soon my message box was filled
With warnings from the masses
This guy was just a snake oil man
Who'd fucked them in their asses

His insults and his double-talk
Were nothing but a ploy
A money-grubbing Jew-like scum
Exploiting all the 'Goy'

His technique is semantics
His 'legal grounds' are funny
He plays with words and minds, you see
But all he wants is money

And so I did 'unfriend' him
And wrote this little rhyme
To warn the world about L.B. Bork
For now and for all time


[I wrote this poem several years ago.  Just recently this confidence man
popped back up again, trying to scam money out of idealistic truther 
movement folks so I dug these verses out and decided to post them on here.  Enjoy.]


Hey Vermont Digger!
What's up Anne and Dave?
You played me like a ni99er
But I ain't nobody's slave
While you were playing Checkers
I sat here playing Chess
I've torn you both new assholes


I'll tell you who I Love the most
Her name was Emily
She died for beauty way back
In another century

I raise my glass and drink a toast
Here in this lonely room
Miss Dickinson I sob at thoughts
Of you there in your tomb

She was so perfect, pure and sweet
Her poetry so fair
Within herself she was complete
My mind can see her there

Dear girl - unspotted from the World
Alone up in her room
Transcending time and thought and breath
Regressed back to the womb

She died for Beauty - lived for Truth
And while I still draw breath
I bear this pain True Love invokes
Until we meet in Death

This time transcending love poem was written in humble adoration for the elegant poetess Emily Dickinson, one of my greatest inspirations - if not to say influences - in the gentle art of rhyming verse.  It may sound funny for me to say it but, in many ways my life has mirrored hers, if only by accident.  Emily spent her years content to stay locked away from the wicked world outside her Massachusetts home.  She rarely went outdoors and mostly refused visitors.  Most of her poems never saw the light of day until after her death. 

For better or worse, I have the Internet.  And the Internet has my poems, most of which appear right here on this same blog.  The good, the not so good and the wretched ones too.

My poem EMILY is deliberately written as a sort of answer to Emily Dickinson's I DIED FOR BEAUTY.  It is my time-honored favorite of all her precious and delicate works.  I really do love her.


I died for beauty, but was scarce
Adjusted in the tomb,
When one who died for truth was lain
In an adjoining room.

He questioned softly why I failed?
"For beauty," I replied.
"And I for truth - the two are one;
We brethren are," he said.

And so, as kinsmen met a-night,
We talked between the rooms,
Until the moss had reached our lips,
And covered up our names.                         



no sheep is noble to a wolf
nor should he ever dare be
for wolves live quite by other rules
so save your voice and spare me

what's sacred in the lives of sheep
is fresh green grass and lots of sleep
but no wolf's stomach was ever filled
when bloodless grass is all he'd swilled

a sheep will get good grades to be
the model of mediocrity
but a wolf will not see his genes passed
if he's not mean and strong and fast

a moral compass is a thing
that points one way on its true swing
BUT - when to a different hand it's passed
that needle spins 'round sure and fast

don't judge me if my teeth look sharp
no angel strumming on his harp
has ever had to stand and face
the gosh-darn Joos that run this place



Lord Jesus Christ
My heart was iced
And only you could thaw it

You changed my life
Cut like a knife
And all your Angels saw it

Dear Precious Lord
Please grab your sword
And swing on down to Save us

In these Last Days
I'll sing your praise
Warmed by the Hope You gave us



I am not designed to become refined
No matter how much money I make me
I'd much rather see (though you may disagree)
Just how far bad manners might take me



Death to various things
Like banks and debts and rings
Debt-slaves wear in their noses
Which never smell the roses

Death to various stuff
No list could be enough
It's far too late to enumerate
So let's do this off the cuff



Peerless and fearless
and - God damn it - beerless
I understand now
Just why Van Gogh went earless

I sit at the bench
And I stare at the screen
The world is a circus
If you know what I mean

The cops are all liars
The judges are too
Scratch any problem
And you'll find a Jew

The news is all bullshit
Reporters are whores
Bent over to Satan
Ass-up on all fours

The Moslems are coming?
No my friend, they are here
Their intentions transparent
And perfectly clear

The Chinese are hostile
And hungry for oil
Soon Mao's Red Immortals
Hope to divvy our spoils

The college professors
Are Communist Yids
Who you pay through the nose
To mind-rape your own kids

They come home resentful
Trained to hate their own kind
While most everyone else
Sits back stupid and blind



Guido Von List
Was caught-out quite pissed
In an alley behind the Queen's Pub

The poor drunken bloke
Was seen taking a toke
On a blunt that was barely a nub

When Guido was caught
Not a soul ever thought
The rumors would swirl with such speed

Poor Mister von List
Has been "hugged and then kissed"
Public shaming for boozing and weed

Thus his magickal night
Was turned to pure shite
Twas a sorry affair, yes indeed



We've observed the attacks
of Councilman Max
(this rhyme game's so easy
it makes me feel greasy)

But as I was saying
Old Max has been playing
at being a Commie
in the Bernie Boy army

Yeah Max is a pinko
His politics stinko
He's passing out dimes
To play Communist plinko

He hates every white and defends every wog
He's Maxwell Tracy the Bolshevik dog
He's taking his cues from the Communist Jews
He's Maxwell Tracy and he's gonna lose



Chief Shawn Burke
Had a nose like a Turk
And an attitude to match
You can bet...
He spent years on the squad
Who perpetrate the damn fraud
Called the "war on drugs"
He's a vet.

By the time he made chief
Donned that gold clover leaf
He'd sent thousands of souls
To the slammer
But make no mistake
Many cases were faked
They were all just frail nails
For his hammer

Is perjury ever worse 
Than when the cops do it first?
Think hard - I recommend that you do
If mean old Chief Burke
Decides you are a jerk
He might stick a spare kilo on YOU



We will never be happy
We will never be at peace
We will always fight and bicker
Like the city-states of Greece

We will never be good neighbors
We will never get along
We will never be united
By the words of any song

We were born into this evil
The whole damned world is full of sin
And though we sing and pray for changes
We don't know where to begin

Perhaps the end is coming quickly
We all know it's on the way
Deep inside us we all tremble
At the thought of Judgment Day



Tramadol, Oh Tramadol
I can't feel a thing at all
My nurse speaks with a southern drawl
When she brings me my Tramadol

Tramadol, Oh Tramadol
With you, pain has no hope at all
So long as Nursie doesn't stall
When she brings me my Tramadol

Tramadol, Oh Tramadol
She runs here with you when I call
I grin and warn, "Don't slip and fall."
She smiles back, "Don't worry, y'all."



When gun grabbin' Phil
Took his red "wake up" pill
He only pretended to swallow
He cheeked that red pill
Did ol' gun grabbin' Phil
And he waited to see what would follow

When Phil was elected, he promised, you see
To protect Vermont's guns and just let them be
But when Nicholas Cruz pulled his murderous spree
Phil picked up his pen and declared a decree:

"The shooting in Florida has me upset.
"I'm signing this bill and I'm not through yet.
"With every mass shooting, I'll be here, you can bet-
"to erode all your gun rights and spread out the net."

Gun grabbin' Phil is a RINO, you see
A Judas to his whole constituency
He feasts on the fruit of the poisonous tree
And shits out the lies he tells you and tells me

One can hope this must leave Phil quite lonely
Fitting karma for a Republican In Name Only



Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!
Fast Internet came back today!
It crapped out one week yesterday -
But now it's back and life's okay!

(It was so slow I wished I'd died -
I daydreamed my own suicide....)

Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! 


FILL MY HEART WITH LOVE, LORD - a hymn for Sunday Mornings

Fill my heart with Love, Lord
All the Love you feel towards Man
I'll pass it on, oh yes I will
In a Way that fits Your Plan

The time wasted without you
The sin. The fear. The pain.
Wandering in the wasteland -
A madman gone insane

The time wasted without you
It seemed would never end
All broken down - an evil clown
Nothing left to pretend

CHORUS: Oh thank you for your Love, Lord
As it shines down from above
And thank you for your Grace, God
You have filled my heart with Love

I thank you for my life, Lord
You're the Hand and I'm the glove
This sinner sings with outstretched wings
And soars like Noah's dove

CHORUS: Oh thank you for your Love, Lord
As it shines down from above
And thank you for your Grace, God
You have filled my heart with Love

I'm not long for this world, Lord
I shall soon be on my way
To frolic in green meadows
In Your Heaven, far away

CHORUS: Oh thank you for your Love, Lord
As it shines down from above
And thank you for your Grace, God
You have filled my heart with Love


[A hymn for Sunday mornings, penned down just now
this Sunday morning, July 31, 2022. 
             God bless you all, friends.]


I am dying of the pain which I have caused to other people
I am hiding in the clocktower of a local church's steeple
I am waiting for the angels and the devils all to come
I suspect that they shall burn me from this roost to which I've run
I await my Final Judgment if my name is in The Book
Because if it is not - then I will remain on the hook
And the suffering I've inflicted on the ones I loved the most
Will remain with me forever even when I am a ghost
I might walk the Earth like Marley wrapped in chains and all the rest
I'll be forced to pay weird visits - How did Dickens ever guess?
I will warn the ones I've damaged with my selfish stupid knife
Not to make the same mistakes as me - and always to love life

